
Visualizzazione dei post da giugno, 2021

Eritrea: Letter of Appeal to the Italian Government

  To prof. Mario Draghi,   Prime Minister   p.c. on. Luigi Di Maio,   Foreign Minister   Dear President,   let's write to you again, on behalf of the Habeshia agency, after the appeal letter we sent to your predecessor on the eve of his trip to Asmara three years ago. This year 30th anniversary of independence, but another year of severe suffering and abuse suffered by the Eritrean people. And of great disappointment - yet another disappointment - for those who hoped that the signing of the peace treaty with Ethiopia, after twenty years of war, would finally set our country on the road to freedom and democracy. We want to start from an episode that happened just in these days. As you certainly know, the regime has closed and taken possession of nine schools, plus seven schools already taken in 2019 run by religious organizations, mostly Catholics but also Protestant and Islamic Christians. Completely free schools, attended by childre...

Eritrea: Violazioni dei Diritti Umani e Religiosi

  Al prof. Mario Draghi, presidente del Consiglio p.c. on. Luigi Di Maio, Ministro degli Esteri   Gentile presidente, torniamo a scriverle, a nome dell’agenzia Habeshia, dopo la lettera-appello che  abbiamo inviato al suo predecessore alla vigilia del suo viaggio ad Asmara, tre anni fa. Questo anno 30° anniversario di indipendenza, ma un altro anno di gravi sofferenze e soprusi subiti dal popolo eritreo. E di grande delusione – l’ennesima delusione – per chi sperava che la firma del trattato di pace con l’Etiopia, dopo vent’anni di guerra, avviasse finalmente il nostro Paese sulla strada della libertà e della democrazia. Vogliamo partire da un episodio accaduto proprio in questi giorni. Come certamente sa, il regime ha chiuso e preso possesso di nove scuole, più sette scuola già presi nel 2019 gestite da organizzazioni religiose, in maggioranza cattoliche ma anche cristiane protestanti e islamiche. Scuole completamente gratuite, frequentate dai ragazzi delle famiglie più ...

Catholic Bishops in the Eastern African nation condemned the government’s seizure and closure of the institutions

Bishops in Eritrea Pledge to Continue Reclaiming Catholic Institutions “forcibly taken” Catholic Bishops in the Eastern African nation  condemned the government’s seizure and closure of the institutions  describing it as “hatred against the faith and against religion.”

Ethiopia: Appeal to stop war crimes against civilians and religious

 The news coming from the Tigray Region - Ethiopia is shocking. Nobody turns their backs on the tears of raped women, children victims of chemical weapons, the entire region reduced to starvation. The criminal use of rape as a weapon of war that has not spared minors and nuns is an abomination. schools-occupied-looted A grave humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ethiopia. 'I never saw hell before, but now I have.' A grave humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ethiopia. 'I never saw hell ... Millions have been displaced, thousands killed, and reports of human rights violations are rampant as a civil wa ... According to the news, the use of rape as a weapon of war has not spared the Catholic Sisters who carry out their mission in ...

Etiopia: Appello per fermare i crimini di guerra su civili e religiosi

  Le notizie che arrivano dalla Regione del Tigray - Ethiopia è scioccante. Nessuno volti le spalle, alle lacrime di donne stuprate, bambini vittime di armi chimiche, intera regione ridotta alla fame. L'uso criminale dello stupro come arma di guerra che non ha  risparmiato minori e suore, è un abominio.   A grave humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ethiopia. ‘I never saw hell before, but now I have.’ A grave humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ethiopia. ‘I never saw hell ... Millions have been displaced, thousands killed, and reports of human rights violations are rampant as a civil wa... L'uso dello stupro come arma da guerra stando alle notizie non ha risparmiato anche...